Why Student Activities Are Not a Waste of Time
University days are arguably the best days of anyone’s life. Deadlines, midterms, presentations and finals can make you think otherwise, but you’ll believe me once you’re a graduate; having to actually be an an adult with responsibilities that you can’t just ignore by letting someone make sure they sign the attendance sheet.

However, what I miss the most about university days is being a part of student activities. What undergraduates need to know but don’t about student activities is that they’re by any means a waste of time.
The perks of joining a student activity are numerous. You don’t only get introduced to new friends that in some cases can last for life, you don’t just learn a variety of soft and practical skills, but you might be lucky enough to have a life-changing experience.

Student activities are diverse in a way that makes it nearly impossible for a student to not find a student club or society that does not match their interest. They can focus on charity, civic engagement, workshops, academia, events organizing, cultural exchange, sports, and much more.
I’ve been to different kinds of student activities, and I assure you that you’re guaranteed to learn one or two things from every club you join. One could learn to handle tasks, teamwork, writing formal emails, be more presentable, responsible and organized.

I’ll try to pill up a list of the beneficial student activities that you should find in most universities, and might learn a lot from them.
Students’ Union

Students’ Union is the student body or organization that represents the interests and opinions of the students, and it’s present in nearly all universities.
Enactus (Ex: SIFE)

Enactus is an international non-profit organization that uses the power of entrepreneurial action to improve the quality of life and standard of living for people in need. It’s present in most Egyptian universities; they do annual competitions to determine the best Enactus in Egypt to represent us in the international competition.

AIESEC is the world’s largest non-profit student-run organization. It is an international non-governmental not-for-profit organization that provides young people with leadership development and cross-cultural global internship and volunteer exchange experiences across the globe, with a focus to empower young people so they can make a positive impact on society. Thousands of Egyptian students have traveled to different parts of the world with them, and even more are volunteering as members in their universities. Everyone I know who has actually traveled with AIESEC would argue that it was a life-changing experience.

The International Students Leadership Conference is an annual conference in the AUC, but students from all universities can apply. It aims to the development of students and the welfare of the community through eight different workshops and organizing committees. The spirit between ISLCians is like nothing I’ve ever seen in any other student organization.
Models and Simulations

Most universities have student models and simulations; such as the Model of the United Nations, Model of the Arab League, Model of the Council of Ministers, Model of the American Congress, and the Stock Market Simulation. Those simulations give the students a chance to experience the model that they represent virtually. I’ve been lucky enough to be a part of the Model United Nations in my university, and I could never forget the passionate delegates I met in my council.