Snapping Back To Reality: How To Go Back To Work After A Long Break

The day after a long weekend or a longer-than-usual break is always dreaded. The idea of going back to reality after our routine has been disturbed with sleeping in, having fun and relaxing by the beach, makes us wish we were kids again, with a three-month-long summer break.

Setting up an alarm after it has been off for a week, wearing pants instead of swimsuits and working instead of spending your day doing nothing productive and enjoying it, it all makes going back to work sound nightmarish.

So how can one bring themselves to work after the week-long Eid break? How can one not dread working and their job after tasting freedom? And how can we get into the flow of work again when we walk into our offices tomorrow?

You could start by blocking all distractions, especially for the first few hours when you walk into the office. Focus on work and work alone and you’ll quickly find yourself back in the workflow, getting tasks done instead of reminiscing over the week that just passed.

You could also start working on the easiest tasks first. The satisfaction you’ll get from crossing an item off your to-do list will help motivate you get other tasks done.

It’s also very important to remind yourself why you took this job in the first place. A job is more than just an income source, it’s the mark you’re leaving in the world. It’s how you want to be remembered and it’s how you’re changing the world. Remembering that will help light up your passion once again.

If you find yourself hating the routine that you have grown so accustomed to over the years, then perhaps it’s a sign that you need to switch up that routine, change it a bit. Pick up a new hobby or start listening to a new podcast during your commute, do something that will have you looking forward to your days.

Maybe start practicing a new sport or enroll in a fun class, maybe even start a new weekly or monthly tradition with a bunch of friends or by yourself. Treat yourself to a fancy dinner or an expensive cup of coffee.

Life is all about the little things. You can’t escape work forever but what you can do is make your work days enjoyable. 

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