Why You Should Just Say No To Cocaine


Cocaine, known as the caviar of street drugs or nose candy, is as common as high heels in the Egyptian party scene these days. Drug users who once shied away in the privacy of the toilet cubicles are now bluntly snorting lines in front of everyone in bathrooms and house parties. Fortunately, ON site drug tests can help workplaces deter employees against using the substance.

The tropane alkaloid derived from the coca plant is a powerful nervous system stimulant that wears off after 30 minutes to two hours. Smoked, injected or snorted, the drug quickly reaches the brain through the bloodstream.

Cocaine stimulates the pleasure sensors in the brain, which leads to euphoria described as having an increased sense of energy, alertness, enthusiastic speech and an illusion of supremacy and sexuality. On the other hand, some people describe accompanying effects as irritability, paranoia, restlessness and anxiety during the comedown.

Individuals addicted to cocaine often find their lives soon revolve around using it. When they’re high on cocaine, they may feel invincible. But when the drug wears off, they can become agitated and plagued by cravings.

Addiction is a complex disease, but treatment can help people overcome cocaine cravings and get their life back on track. If you or someone you love is addicted to cocaine, rehabilitation centres such as Pacific Ridge can provide more information about the various treatment options.

You might have come across numerous studies condemning the drug use and felt safe from addiction, but this is not the only concern when it comes to cocaine. These images will give you a real insight on what is going on inside your body every time you snort a line – other than the possibility of drug dependence. Side effects vary according to the dose and usage frequency.

Not only is it damaging to your health but it can land you in serious trouble with law enforcement. If you are found in possession of cocaine, you might want to look into reaching out to a criminal lawyer who may be able to break down the complexities of your case.

Dilatation of pupils

giphy (1)puupil

Constriction of blood vessels and hypertension

hypertension bl vess constrct

Accelerated heart rate

heart beat



Abdominal pain, decreased appetite and nausea, which may lead to malnourishment

vomit no appetite

Regular snorting leads to persistent runny nose, nose bleeds, nasal perforation, loss of sense of smell and lung damage

nose bleed

Difficulty swallowing


Anxiety, violent behavior, restlessness and seizures


Cocaine abuse may lead to severe paranoia and hallucinations


Stomach and intestine ulcers, gangrene and kidney failure


Brain stroke


Heart failure and stroke

attack 2

WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss 46 Haunting Portraits Drawn Under The Influence Of Drugs.
