Same Holiday, Different Traditions; Here’s How The Middle East Celebrates Eid Al-Adha

By Amena Reda

Eid Al-Adha always brings back remarkable memories to the Muslim community around the world. We all remember and appreciate the food, eideyas, and family gatherings. Other than the religious rituals we share, each country has its own unique rituals that make their Eid even more special. 

We’ve collected a few examples from different countries for you to explore! 

Ram Fighting

A very popular and traditional fight in Northwest Africa in general and Algeria in specific. The owners provide their rams special food and train them for months to be strong and fit enough to join the championship. Even though this tradition is getting more fans every year and a lot of people find it entertaining, animal rights advocates and religious figures tended to urge Algerians to stop these competitions as their rams end up either dead or injured. As a consequence, they cannot be sacrificed for religious purposes anymore. 

Bojloud Festival

Another interesting tradition that takes place in Morocco! Starting from the second day of Eid, young men spread the joy around their city by wearing their Udhiyah skins, painting their faces, performing arts such as singing and dancing. Participants also pass by people’s houses, receive money, and give them their blessing. 

Celebrating the Sacrificed Sheep  

In Libya, people put eyeliner on their sheep, fire up Bakhoor incense and start echoing Takbirat Al Eid to express their happiness. After the sacrifice, they bury the sheep blood to prevent the demons’ from moving around. 

Visiting Graves

People in Lebanon traditionally visit the graves of their loved ones on the first day of Eid, pray, read verses from the Quran, and decorate their graves with flowers. After heading home, they tend to enjoy the general rituals of having breakfast within a family atmosphere. 

Al Baraa’ 

A traditional dance that differs from one city in Yemen to another! They all share the joy and happiness of dancing and singing in groups highlighting their traditional daggers in their hands and guns on their shoulders. 

WE SAID THIS: Happy Eid everyone!
