7 Tips to Break Your Fast Without Feasting



Ramadan’s Dos and Donts! We all have them at the back of our minds, but have we gotten round to them yet? That’s the tricky part. Once we hear “Allah Akbar” after a long day of fasting and your stomach grumbles with hunger, we just binge on the enormous buffet of lavish dishes. All we want to do is feast, feast, no matter what until Suhour…


“It’s fine. Today, I’ll just devour my favorite meal but I’ll control my portions and make wiser food choices tomorrow!” You keep on repeating this over, and over, hoping that it will be your last day to binge; however, gatherings never ever stop and you end up feasting for 30 days!


This year, take the challenge of breaking your fast wisely! It will help you feel lighter, healthier and happier. And guess what? You may also lose that extra weight!



1. Hydrate yourself: Unlock your fast and quench your thirst with two glasses of cold water. Water hydrates without any extra calories or added sugars and it will help you control your sugar cravings!


2. Remember that you just have one stomach: 
Your stomach size doesn’t grow when you fast for the day! Respect your body and control your portion size to prevent overeating and indigestion.


3. Scan the buffet before you dive in: 
Take your time to choose the food you really want before filling your plate! You just have one plate to fill so you better control your portions and be selective.


4. Serve a healthy balanced meal: 
Divide your plate into three parts. Fill one quarter with a source of complex carbohydrates like rice, pasta, potatoes or bread; one quarter of your plate with some form of lean protein like chicken, beef, fish or beans; and half your plate with vegetables.


5. Sit down and enjoy your meal: Don’t eat standing up! Sit down and try to stay away from the buffet table as food within arm’s reach leads to overeating. Pace yourself and take the time to enjoy every single bite of your food; smell it, chew it and savor it well. Bring all your senses to the meal!


6. Think before going for seconds: Remember it takes around 20 minutes for your stomach to feel full. So wait at least for 20 minutes then ask yourself, “am I still hungry or will I be overeating?” This is how you make the right decision.


7. Let your stomach rest before dessert: Delightful sweets are hard to resist! Wait for your body to digest then choose one type of sweets that you like and have a three-finger sized portion.


Oh, and just so you know, the food is not going anywhere! If you are not eating konafa today. You’ll surely find it some other day! Just take it easy and enjoy your food in moderation to avoid feasting!


WE SAID THIS: For more nutrition and health tips from The Wellness Hub before Ramadan, you can RSVP for her workshop by clicking here.

