Q&A: Egyptian Makeup Guru Soraya Shawky
Known for her creativity and distinctive make up techniques, as well as being every bride’s first choice on her big day, Soraya Shawky’s name is sparkling more and more in Egypt’s fashion and makeup scene.
First of all, congratulations on winning Makeup Artist of the Year in the Jumia Chic Asfour Awards!
Thank you very much. Its feels great because this is the first time for such event to take place in Egypt and I’m the first make up artist to win it, so I actually feel kinda special.
How long have you been in the field of makeup?
Since 2009.
What sets your makeup style and techniques apart from the other makeup artists in the industry?
I think it’s my simplicity. I don’t change my clients’ features nor use much color or texture. I focus on accentuating their natural beauty. Also, I was the first to do short make up videos (shot and edited by PhotoBoutique)
to inspire girls how to wear their makeup for each holiday or event.

Tell us what inspires you the most? And who do you look up too in the makeup business?
Everything inspires me. My brain doesn’t stop coming up with new ideas; even when I’m tired, I can’t shut it off. As for my makeup idols, there are sooo many. I cant even begin with one, each makeup artist I know has a fascinating story, technique and journey they’ve been through.
To name a few, Kevin Aucoin is one of them as well as Kandee Johnson and Lauren Luke, who started filming from her little apartment in England and now she has her own office in Times Square! Impressive.
What about your constant collaboration with Photo Boutique, what’s next for you guys? Any upcoming projects?
The girls are my best friends and my team. We complete one another from A-Z. We have a lot of big plans coming up. Don’t want to spoil the surprises, but you’ll hear about them soon!
What’s the thing you love the most about makeup?
The transformation! The process itself is fascinating! The thing is, if a girl knows how to correctly apply makeup – I’m not talking about tons of colors and heavy lashes, etc. No! – if she simply corrects the flaws, she will look stunning!
As in naturally stunning, and that’s what I’m trying to show my clients now. Because most of them have had really bad experiences and they just hate the word “makeup”, so I’m trying to change this perspective and help them embrace the idea and actually like it.
The weather is very unpredictable and dramatic these days. Any quick tips in terms of skin care and protection from the harsh cold? (especially hands and lips – they get really dry in the cold weather and sometimes bruise! HELP!)
Hahaha. Let me start by telling you that you need to protect your hands, lips and skin 365 days a year, not only with the weather change.
Lips: Constantly use lip balm, chap stick or Vaseline. You can also make a homemade sugar scrub to remove the dead skin twice a week: Mix sugar with honey and some olive oil. Scrub your lips vigorously until they become smooth. Rinse with warm water, then apply Vaseline.
Hands: I personally use Dove with Almond Oil or Kiehl’s Ultimate Strength Hand Salve and when I’m home, I massage my toes, nails and hands with natural almond oil 0 it works wonders.
Face: You just really need to hydrate it three times a day by applying a deep moisturizing cream, anything that suits your skin type. And drink plenty of water. People think because of the cold weather, you don’t need to drink plenty of water, while on the contrary, you just need to drink as much water as you drink in the summer.
What are the trending colors for 2015?

Since we are still technically in winter, then it is all about burgundy or even darker tones of lipstick, along with a fresh nude face, long lashes and minimal eye make up.
Forget the eyeliners! Everything you learned about cat eye, you can drop it. Nude eyes is what you’re looking for.
What do you aspire to the most for your makeup career?
Creativity, originality, constant growth and self-challenge.
I challenge myself daily, I even sometimes argue with myself about what I could’ve done better when I look back at old shoots.
Some insanity is actually good for your creativity.
Who do you wish to apply makeup on someday?
I don’t have anyone specific, because with each girl I get a new experience and challenge.
But if I have to pick a celebrity, I would choose: 1. Dita Von Teese 2. Irina Shayk 3. Doutzen Kroes 4. and last but not least, my favorite person, Sophia Vergara.
For a professional like yourself, you definitely have some tricks up your sleeve! Help your girls out and give us a quick basic makeup tip that can be useful on daily bases? A trick any of us can apply…
When applying foundation, wet your foundation brush (not too much, though). The water will blend it more into your skin and help it last longer.
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