Moroccan Star Saad Lamjarred to Perform in Cairo Soon After Facing Four Rape Allegations

It all started in 2010 when the Moroccan star, Saad Lamjarred, was visiting the United States. He was accused of beating and raping a 21-year-old woman from Brooklyn, New York. The Moroccan star later fled the states after posting bail and was at risk of being arrested if he ever returned, but the case was eventually dropped in 2016 when a settlement was reached.

That wasn’t the end of it, as the star was also accused of sexually assaulting three other women from France and Morocco in 2016, 2017, and 2018 following the same pattern of abuse. But the star always succeeded in getting away with it, either through paying bail, reaching a settlement, the victim withdrawing charges under family or social pressure, or when Mohamed VI, King of Morocco, interfered to help cover fees and hire a legal team to defend him. But is he simply going to get away with it every single time?

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Saad lamjarred is a Moroccan pop star known for two things: singing and raping women. Since 2010, Saad lamjarred has been accused by 4 women from 4 different countries of rape. He was performing in all the countries where he raped these women and fled from every country he was accused of raping a woman ( the US and France) Some of the women were threatened so severely into dropping the case but have not in hopes to see him in prison. Right now Saad is coming to Egypt to perform at (although they know he’s an accused rapist??) in the midst of an Egyptian #metoo movement and honestly I don’t think we need to wait until he rapes an Egyptian women to refuse him into performing in our country. Arabic: سعد لمجرد هو نجم بوب مغربى معروف بحاجتين: الغُنا وإغتصاب الستات. من ٢٠١٠، سعد لمجرد تم إتهامه بالإغتصاب من قِبَل ٤ ستات من ٤ دول مُختلفة. كان بيغنى فى كل البلاد إللى إغتصب فيها الستات دى وهرب من كل بلد إتُهِم فيها بإغتصاب ست (الولايات المتحدة وفرنسا). بعض من النساء إتهددوا كتير عشان يسحبوا الشكاوى ولكنهم رفضوا على أمل إنه يتسجن. حاليًا، سعد جاى مصر عشان يعرض فى (مع إنهم عارفين إنه مُتهم فى حوادث اغتصاب؟؟) فى وسط حركة #metoo المصرية وأنا شخصيا مش شايفة إننا لازم نستناه يغتصب ست مصرية عشان نمنعه يغنى فى بلدنا.

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Now, social media users are going insane, refusing to remain silent after Cairo Show posted that Saad Lamjarred will soon perform in Cairo. People left comments on the post with the words “rapist” and “don’t come”. Cairo Show started deleting the comments at first, and deleted the whole post this morning.

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