Mona El Tahawy Arrested in New York


Let me start this by saying, this is not a news piece, this is an opinion!

I’m at a loss for words and i’m torn, as an American citizen raised in the U.S. for a good majority of my life I’ve always believed in the land of the free and yet i identify with my Egyptian roots (although they only make up a quarter of me) more than I do with the “civilized west!”

In the past couple of days as (we previously wrote) the New York subway’s were flooded with discrimnitory and biased ads against Islam. In attempt to take a stand for her beliefs activist Mona El Tahawy took to the subway to practice her “freedom of speech” and first ammendment rights against said ads and what do you know got arrested. Even the BITCH Pam Geller who made the ads, makes a cameo in the video!

Check it out here:

Now that I got your blood boiling like mine (I’m sitting in our office genuinely frustrated by the unfair treatment and the inability of the U.S. governement to stop these ads from even being put up), leaves me dumbfounded!

This is the country that fought against slavery, racism, and even for gay rights! What happened to your Rosa Parks, and Martin Luther King style rights? Or what happened to so whole heartedly standing by the Jews and their quest to prove to the world that the genocide that was imposed on them by Hitler was unacceptable? We are taught in YOUR AMERICAN schools to be tolerant of one another, you teach people to respect other’s sexuality, but when it comes to religious choices its ok to call Muslims savages?

I’M SORRY AMERICA YOU CROSSED THE LINE! My mother is Christian, my father is Muslim, I don’t believe you will find a more tolerant person than myself and you my friends have me even pissed off! Being a civilized human being I’ll take to writing my frustrations and bringing attention to the matter, but by angering so many Muslims do you really think this was the right timing, coming off that stupid movie hype “Innocence of Islam?” 

By arresting Mona keep in mind the woman has over 150,000 twitter followers you have now exposed your double standards further. First world country my A**

