Mommy Diaries: Vacation Withdrawal


I left my kids last week and went on an adults’ only trip to Gouna. It was fabulous. I slept in, took naps, and did whatever it was I felt like doing.  I ate carbs… a lot of carbs. I had eggs Benedict by the sea. I was on a boat. Everyone was so at peace with life. I got to watch a real life fight from across the marina, and on more than one occasion my life almost seemed like it was part of some awesome music video. What more could a girl want?

And here we are. Back home. Back to life. Back to reality.

Kill me now!

I’ve always been the one happy to be home, I look forward to things like, sleeping in my own bed and all that good stuff… oh yeah and the kids. They’re pretty cool, I guess we could call them an added benefit.

Except this time.

Take me back. Please.

I am a huge Cairo fan, I don’t want to leave. My friends complain and moan left and right about how they want to leave this city faster than you can say permanent residency. And I never really got it. It was home. The chaos is what gave it its charm.

Until now.

I don’t know if it’s my first-ever sunburn or the fact that I don’t feel like counting my blessings right now… but I’m already itching to get out of here. 
