Mommy Diaries: Mad Mommy


I’ve always believed that humans have a purpose on this planet. To be good people.

That’s it really. The simplicity is what makes it beautiful.

I never understood why people make things more difficult for everyone else. Whether it’s a government employee who refuses to give you any useful information, or a friend who just has to always change your plans… I don’t get it. I truly cannot understand why anyone would make life harder than it already is.

Traffic, pollution, demanding families, jobs… we all have enough on our plates. And yet we have developed a need for “ghalasa”. I remember once telling Superdad how nerve-racking it was driving home one day. And he very calmly told me I needed to just disregard these horrible horrible people.

Ignore them?

What does that even mean?

It’s the most common piece of advice I’ve been getting since… well since I can remember. Tannishi. Kabbary. Naffady.

Well that’s not good enough.

I’m not going to ignore the guy trying to run me off the road because he’s trying to light his cigarette while his infant is hanging on to his neck for dear life. I will not ignore the fact that my pizza arrived an hour late and cold. I will not pretend that I’m not annoyed with the plumber that’s four days late. Its not okay. It will never be okay.

This is my revolution if you will. I will no longer smile and say ok mish moshkela to the family cutting me in line at the supermarket.

That’s right ladies and gentlemen; I’ve decided to go mad. Not mad like crazy. We all know I’m already bananas.  But mad like real mad.  I will return my food if its not what I ordered. I won’t tip the delivery guy if he’s late. I won’t pretend I don’t notice the missing change from my car when I get it back from the parking attendant.

What happens now is that I hold it all in, then when I get home and L or Z do the smallest thing, I flip. And they don’t deserve that. The supermarket cashier that charged me twice for the same detergent does.

Watch out Cairo. Watch out.
