Egyptians Are Body-Shaming Miss Egypt 2016 Contestants and It’s Not Funny at All



I honestly don’t know how much cruelty women can tolerate on the internet these days. Miss Egypt World 2016 just posted on Facebook photos of the contestants we will be watching this year and the whole country is being offensive AF.


From comments about the ladies looking like men to plastic surgery suggestions, we sure hope the contestants haven’t come across any of the body-shaming useless remarks. For the past few years, social media loses it when it’s time for the beauty pageant.




FYI everyone, this show has always been of poor production quality, contestants are always bullied, so you are only making things worse because women who actually fit your non Middle Eastern beauty standards are so afraid by now to participate, as they know for sure what kind of comments they’ll be getting.


By all means, you don’t have to pretend to be physically attracted to these ladies, it is a beauty pageant after all. However, you can restrain yourself from hurting them. Body-shaming will always be the most toxic form of bullying. Social media is all fun and games until someone is depressed and takes his/her own life.





WE SAID THIS: Let’s encourage these ladies, instead of bringing them down.

