Martyred Amid Attacks On Gaza: Remembering Egyptian Feminist Mai Mostafa

Mai Gamal Mostafa, 35 was an Egyptian feminist. During the bombing of the Sheikh Radwan bombing in Gaza, Mostafa, her husband, and children were among the people martyred.

The feminist worked as the manager for Solidarity with Women Unit and established the Women’s Violence Crimes Watch Foundation.

بالأمس اتمت عام في غزة …بهذه البساطة مر عام ….هذه المدينة الصغيرة الصامته التي تطوقها اسرائيل من كل جانب …في نهاية…

Posted by Mai G. Mostafa on Saturday, August 6, 2022

Edrak Foundation for Development and Equality announced EFDEE announced the tragic news of her death yesterday on their official Facebook page.

“In deep sorrow, we Edrak Foundation mourns the martyr Mai Gamal Mostafa who died during her visit in Gaza…praying to god that may her soul rest in peace.”

🔵 ارتفاع ملحوظ في جرائم العنف المرتكبة بحق النساء في 2021 مقارنة بـ 2020، بداية من القتل والاغتصاب والتحرش والابتزاز…

Posted by ‎Elsaha – الساحة‎ on Saturday, February 19, 2022

Mostafa has an extensive portfolio of documenting and archiving crime crimes of violence against women. She worked with many research institutes, like Tadwein for Gender Studies, and recently she has worked on a big statistical project about violence crimes against women, published in ‘Elsaha’ platform.

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