UPDATE: Egyptian Engineer in Marsa Alam Beaten to Death by Italian Tourist

This is a sad month for Marsa Allam. Just when we thought the worst thing that could happen is shutting down a beach after a shark attacked a tourist, it seems that things keep getting stranger.
Tarik Al-Henawy, a supervising engineer who was working at a hotel in Marsa Alam, south of the Red Sea, was beaten to death this weekend by an Italian tourist. You would think the engineer must have done something horrific that started the fight.
Some claim it was simply because the tourist was prevented from swimming after daylight hours. Others reported that the manager warned the tourist from standing in a prohibited under-construction area in the hotel with his two children and it led to a heated discussion.

Egypt’s prosecution ordered the detention of an Italian tourist pending investigations for beating the manager to death. The body of the victim was transferred to a hospital morgue in Marsa Alam. Director of the general directorate of tourism and antiquities police, Mostafa Ansi, stated the tourist was handed over to Marsa Alam police station and forensics will conduct an autopsy to determine the cause of death.