Lipton Shows Egypt the Magic of Paying It Forward

أكتر من 10 مليون مصري شاركوا معنا بمواقف إيجابية و علشان نظبط مزاجك، هاني الدقاق و ليبتون عملوا أغنية جديدة مستوحاه من إيجابية المصريين! إسمع الأغنية…إعمل شير… إنشر الإيجابية

Posted by Lipton on Saturday, February 25, 2017


At times, the world seems like such a difficult place. You feel tired, wasted and unappreciated. Yet, you still want what’s good for you and your country. Lipton just came up with the ultimate pay-it-forward theme song and people (such as myself) can’t help but feel the positivity.


Just a few days ago, a Lipton and Hany el Dakkak video went viral for the tea giants’ Do Good campaign. With a cheerful upbeat and happy lyrics, the song depicts how one simple act of kindness can jump onto the next person.


After garnering ten million messages on social media through the #El7adElAwalany campaign, the direction the team chose for the song happened naturally. The project was made by the people for the people. Can you imagine what life in Egypt would be like if we paid it forward? Let’s start with one good deed a day. Thanks Lipton!



WE SAID THIS: You go, Lipton Egypt!

