I’ve Got That Overtime, Overtime Sadness


I’ve had a feeling that work isn’t going away anytime soon, and I was right; it’s acting like an obsessive girlfriend who doesn’t get that it’s over.

It’s October already, and my Instagram feed is still buzzing with pictures of this girl tanning and this guy walking his dog on the beach while I’m sitting here in my office, writing this article as a way of avoiding finishing this report that I’ve been putting off for days.

“You’re too young for this crap, Marwa” said my little subconscious.

I thought I needed a change of scenery, and I do, so I started working from the meeting room instead of my office. Of course it didn’t work out. Who am I kidding? I thought about going out more, like every day. I tried it for a while before I realized that every outing’s main conversation is how my friends spent their last month in Gouna or what they are going to do when they plan their weekend gateway to Sahel.

Truth is, I know that this is not healthy, but it’s also not the coolest thing in the world either that everyone in my social circle is on vacation except me. It isn’t exactly my fault that I wasted my annual vacation outside the country but I’m probably the one to be blamed for  not being able to get around the fact that sipping an iced drink while soaking in the sun is all what I think about now. I want to keep myself out of this daily rut that I have gotten into and just rediscover the pleasure of napping in a beach house. I imagine this and I can almost feel the serenity rejuvenating my lost sighs.

“You need to quit, Marwa” said pretty much everyone I know.

God, please let us accept the things we cannot change, and by “things”, I’m referring to our friends who are almost Sahel residents now.
