Is Amrika Ready For Bika? The Iconic Egyptian Folk Singer Just Announced a US Performance!
One of the most popular folk singers in the past few years is hands down, Hamo Bika. In a short period of time, Bika’s songs and ‘mahraganat’ could be found literally EVERYWHERE, from microbuses to BMWs, and from local weddings to the biggest nightclubs. Bika has one million followers on Instagram and more than 200 million views on YouTube! These numbers give you an idea of just how big the folk singer is across the Arab World.
Apart from his songs, Bika is almost like a magnet to headlines and viral content. His rivalry with Magdy Shatta became a trending meme last year, and his recent issues with Hany Shaker are the subject of tons of articles. His live videoes talking to fans are also super controversial and garner millions of views; the last one featured him talking about what he thinks is the reason why China got the Coronavirus, and it got more than 800k views!

However, none of the above is the main point of this article, but rather the shocking announcement that Hamo Bika posted on his verified Facebook Page; the Sha’bi singer announced that he will be performing in the United States! Of course, the Arab population in the US is huge and the concert will most probably sell out. We have mixed feelings about the announcement, but we’re pretty sure that it’s a huge step for the entire Sha’bi scene!