Inspiring Women – Maha Gaber “The PR Guru”


Maha Gaber is well-known as a PR guru with a journey that took my breath away. She reached her success because she was always truly passionate about what she was doing. Although she grew up in the states, in a small town in Minnesota where she studied communications there all the way to her Masters degree, she came back to Egypt in 1997, started working for Sawiris then years later she established Promoseven WeberShandwick in MENA before leaving to start her business; Organizational Consultants.

That’s not just it, after the revolution, Maha joined Google!

How interesting is that? Well, let her tell you all about it!

1) Why Google?

It’s the most admired company in the world and the world of Google has been amazing!

2) Could you tell us the order of colors of the letters of the word “Google” without peaking?

Oh how fun! Blue, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green Red – and yes, I cheated!

3) What do you think reaching higher positions in the PR field require, specifically in Egypt?

You need to be a very good writer – I put emphasis on writing and editing – it’s essential for messaging, strategy and if you are good on paper – you are usually good communicating verbally as well. You also have to be externally focused and to be engaged in multiple interests to stay fresh and in tune with how the industry works.

4) Most Egyptians PR and marketing mixed up; some even think they are the exact same thing. How do you think this misconception could be corrected?

They are all forms of communications – PR, Advertising, Marketing and it’s easy to see why they get bundled under the same umbrella. PR is really about reputation management and image. The discipline of PR is evolving all the time – with 24 hour news, and social media – it’s the fastest growing industry and never a dull moment which is why I love it. I am always challenged and am passionate about PR more and more every day.

5) Tell us a little about yourself?

I have few passions – my family, my dogs and my friends. I love to travel and I am a huge sucker for anything to do with kids – making up games, songs and playing with them. I am always the one at the dinner party hanging out at the kids table and entertaining all the kids.

6) We heard you’re a dark chocoholic! Do you believe that the love of chocolate is directly proportional to the amount of work?

Well if that’s the case than I am in HUGE trouble. Dark chocolate. The darker the better. Its my guilty pleasure.

7) Tell us one thing that you wish to accomplish the most in your life, whether related to your career or not.

I have always wanted to write a book. It’s something I work on from time to time. I love to write and I have chapters that I continue to chip away at. My dream is to get published and retire on the royalties!!

8) Where is your perfect getaway?

Honestly, this will bore your readers but is close to my heart. The answer is on the Lake in Minnesota where I grew up. There is nothing more serene or beautiful than a day on the boat on Lake Minnetonka.

WE SAID THIS: A PR guru who is passionate about her career, her country, loves kids, chocolate and wants to write a book. She can do it all and that’s what I can call an inspiring woman!
