In Pictures: Glimpses from Today’s UAE ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse
By Nour El-Miligi
Residents in the UAE witnessed a darker day than usual on Sunday, for the first partial solar eclipse of the year that lasted for three hours, blocking over 86% of the sun. An annular solar eclipse occurs when the moon isn’t close enough to the planet to fully cover the sunlight, leaving a thin visible ring of the solar disc and that’s the reason behind it being called “Ring of fire”.
UAE citizens went to observe the phenomenal partial eclipse, which reached its peak at 9:35 am, during a live broadcast by The Dubai Astronomy Group.
The Center instructed people to refrain from directly looking at the eclipse while it happens without using special sunglasses, as it might permanently damage eye retina and thereby cause blindness. The eclipse was indeed breathtaking and many citizens actually shared snippets of the event, scroll down to have a look!