Hit Show ‘El-Da7ee7’ Nominated for IBC Social Impact Award
Egypt’s Internet is packed with endless content, yet only a few creators leave a significant mark. In 2014, American University in Egypt graduate, Ahmed El-Ghandour, launched online show ‘El-Da7ee7’ and content as we know it forever changed.
You watch the show and wonder if there is anything El-Ghandour doesn’t know. Each episode is 5-15 minutes long, rich with information and a real brain feed. El-Ghandour has garnered over 3.3 million subscribers at his show on the AJ+ Channel and over 250 million views in total.
The content guru has just announced that his show has made it to the final list of seven nominees for the IBC 2019 Social Impact Award, which recognizes most influential youth.

“The decision facing us as judges was tremendously hard. The quality of the entries was exceptionally high, and all the initiatives submitted have real purpose” Ade Rawcliffe, Head of Diversity, ITV & Chair of the Social Impact Award Judging Panel, stated.
“This reflects what’s going on in the industry worldwide. There is a real shift, a positive drive to not just create and deliver great content, but to do it with the best people from the widest range of backgrounds, with real audience engagement, and with the smallest possible environmental footprint,” Rawcliffe added.