Hard to Get a Flight to Egypt? Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities Just Launched its Virtual Tour Collection of Egypt’s Landmarks

“Dream now, travel later! We invite your soul and mind on a trip to Egypt.” In these words, Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities announced launching its virtual tours to a collection of Egyptian landmarks across the country.

These tours come as a part of the Ministry’s initiative to slow the spread of the new coronavirus pandemic and encourage people to stay home. Anyone at any place in the world can explore Egypt through these tours, and they are available in both languages Arabic and English.

All of the 3D virtual tours are presented in collaboration with Egypt’s Ministry of Communications and other scientific and archaeological institutions. And every day at 8 PM, a new tour is being available on the ministry’s website as well as its social media platforms.

Prior to posting the tour, the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities announces a brief about the place, and since the beginning of April, it has taken us to more than eight archeological sites from different eras starting from the great Pharaonic era to the Coptic and Islamic ones.

Enjoy the virtual tour for The Tomb of Ramses VI https://bit.ly/2kLfhJDThis Tour is made by the Ministry of Tourism &…

Posted by ‎Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities وزارة السياحة والآثار‎ on Monday, April 13, 2020

In addition to the virtual tours of the archeological sites, the Ministry of Tourism has also launched guided tours to Egyptian museums. They started with the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square, and two Egyptian tour guides are talking about some of the museum’s special pieces in a series of short videos.

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أخناتون وزوجته الجميلة الملكة نفرتيتي قصة عاشت عبر التاريخ، جولة اليوم في قاعة اخناتون بالمتحف المصري بالتحرير .. بالرغم من انه غير مكتمل، فإن تمثال رأس الملكة الجميلة نفرتيتي الذي نعرضه من حجر الكوارتز. تم اكتشافه في ورشة النحات جحوتي مس في مدينة آخت-آتون (تل العمارنة حاليًا). تحمل الرأس الملامح الأنيقة للملكة القوية، ويميل رأسها إلى الأعلى قليلاً بفخر مهيب، مما يسمح لها بالنظر إلى إله الشمس المحبوب، آتون. انتظروا مزيد من الجولات في المتحف المصري بالتحرير Akhenaten and the beautiful Queen Nefertiti, a tale that lived throughout history. Join us on a tour in the Akhenaten gallery in the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir, Cairo. Although unfinished, the quartzite statue of Nefertiti featured here is remarkable. It was discovered in the workshop of Thutmose, a sculptor in Akhetaten (modern Tell al-Amarna), who must have been a master of his craft. The statue bears the powerful queen’s elegant features, and her head is tilted slightly upward with majestic pride, allowing her to gaze upon her beloved sun god, Aten. More from the historic Egyptian Museum coming your way soon. #StayHome #StaySafe #ExperienceEgyptFromHome #egypt

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تلقي الضوء على أول "شنطة ظهر" في التاريخ، وهي عبارة عن سلة لها شريطين أبيضين تستخدم لحملها على الكتف نراها على تمثال صغير لخادم ني عنخ بيبي "المشرف على مصر العليا". وقد تم العثور على هذا التمثال الصغير الخشبي الملون في مقبرة الموظف "ني عنخ بيبي"، من عصر الملك بيبي الأول، الأسرة السادسة، في "مير" بالقرب من مركز القوصية- محافظة أسيوط. وهو يصور أحد الخدم واقفًا حاملًا سلة على يده اليمنى المضمومة إلى صدره، السلة مزينة بمربعات ملونة، بينما يحمل على ظهره سلة (شنطة) لها شريطين أبيضين تستخدم لحملها على الكتف ومربوطة بيده اليسري، ومزودة بحامل لها،  لتستقر به على الأرض. Today’s tour in the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir, sheds light on the first backpack in history, which is a basket with of two white straps, that we see on the Statuette of Niankhpepi's porter. The wooden statuette featured here was discovered in the tomb of Niankhpepi, the “Supervisor of Upper Egypt” during the reign of the Sixth Dynasty King Pepi I, in Meir near al-Qusiya, Asyut governorate. It depicts one of his servants carrying an ornate basket in one folded arm while he carries a second basket on his back by means of two white straps. The first basket is decorated with a colorful grid of squares, and the one on his back with a wide leopard print band. A keen eye will notice that the bag (basket) has two tapering legs beneath it that allowed it to be propped up when put on ground. ‪#stayhome‬⁩‬ ‎‫⁦‪#staysafe‬⁩‬ ‎‫⁦‪#ExperienceEgyptFromHome‬⁩ #egypt

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نقدم لكم قلادة رائعة تخص الملك بسوسنيس الأول وهي مكونة من ١٤ سلسلة من الذهب. تم اكتشاف القلادة حول عنق مومياء الملك بسوسنيس الأول (حوالي 1039–991 ق.م)، وهو أحد ملوك الأسرة الحادية والعشرين في مصر. وهي واحدة من ثلاثة قلادات للملك بسوسنيس الأول. وهي تقريبًا مصنوعة بالكامل من الذهب، وتتكون من أربعة عشر سلسة من الذهب متفرعة تنتهي بزهور اللوتس تنتهي بأثنين من هذه السلاسل يقسم بدوره إلى سلسلتين آخرين، وتتعلق بخمسة صفوف من الأقراص الذهبية الرقيقة مجمعة جنبًا إلى جنب يربطهم مشبك مركزي يحمل اثنين من أسماء الملك. Today, from the Egyptian museum in Tahrir, we show you the amazing Collar of King Psusennes I, which consists of 14 gold chains This collar was discovered around the neck of the mummy of King Psusennes I (c.1039–991 BC), one of the kings of Egypt’s Twenty-first Dynasty. This collar is one of the three Shebyu collars of pharaoh Psusennes I. This intricate collar is made almost entirely of gold, and consists of fourteen gold chains each of which ends in a lotus flower bead. The top of the collar consists of five concentric rows made up of thousands of thin gold disks strung side-by-side. The central clasp bears two of Psusennes I’s names. ‪#stayhome‬⁩‬ ‎‫⁦‪#staysafe‬⁩‬ ‎‫⁦‪#ExperienceEgyptFromHome‬⁩ #egypt

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The guided tours are being posted every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and they are set to continue until the end of the quarantine time.

We Said This: For more virtual adventures around Egypt, check Can’t Travel Around Egypt Right Now? Take These Virtual Tours For The Time Being
