Hadeel Al Aini Shares Her Lessons Learned From 2020 and 27 Tips to Stay Sane
Face it, this year has been tough. But with all the noise and panic we sometimes forget to go back to basics and let ourselves just live. This is my recipe for taking it one day at a time with your sanity and nails intact. No matter what you’ve been through, who left you, who loved you, live your life tall and strong with a big smile for the haters. Let’s send off 2020 in style!

Do whatever makes you happy
Don’t let anyone stop you
You’re all you’ve got
Reconnect with old friends that remind you of good times
Disconnect with people who bring you down
Spend more time with family
Buy the tie-dye jeans
Treat yourself
Give to charity quietly
Take the selfie
Blast your music and sing
Go out dancing
Wear the heels
Scan your circle
Listen to your gut
F*** the a**holes
Get as much sleep as you need
Feed your body right
Get the facial
Dye your hair
Wear your mask
Red lipstick helps
Deep condition
Say I love you
Make the first move