Giving a Voice to the Voiceless
“Even an animal, if you show genuine affection, gradually trust develops… If you always showing bad face and beating, how can you develop friendship ?” – Dalai Lama

In parallel to the protest held in Cairo, people in Hurghada gathered to give their voice to the voiceless and protest against animal abuse.

Carrying quotes supporting animal rights, smiling, playing and getting to know each other, we have protested together as one group and one family. It was great seeing all these people who supported this protest from all ages and some pets even attended with their owners in one great hour.
The protest came on Saturday after the brutal accident that happened in Shubra AlKhema last week to the SUPERHERO ” Max “.
The aim of the event was to promote a change in the law in Egypt to ensure that animal abusers do not go unpunished. Widespread public outrage at recent events have given an impetuous to long-standing animal rights movements to finally get their voice heard and some action to be taken.
With regards to the case of #kalbshare3Alahram, a meeting was held with Mr Ehab Makram the first lawyer in Egypt who filed a lawsuit against the three criminal who murdered max and they have been arrested.
It is time to stop animal cruelty and defend them by letting our voices be heard.
WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss In Light of All the Animal Abuse, this Will Make You Smile