A Fresh Dose of ‘Morning Coffee’ with HanyMust’s Newest Single

We were thrilled to wake up this morning to a new single from HanyMust, one of our favorite Egyptian singer-songwriters. “Morning Coffee” is cheerful, upbeat, and had us walking around humming along with a smile even before our actual morning coffee kicked in.
“For once I’m releasing a cheerful song, yes,” Hany told Scoop this morning. “Even though it has its slightly darker undertones.”
“Morning Coffee” brings us Hany’s signature style, mixing Yasmine Samy’s violin lines with Mahmoud Dessouki on oud and making each instrument shine underneath his uniquely beautiful vocals and lyrics; and we can’t help but remember the very first time we heard it performed live.
The track also features Ismail Gharib on bass and Mostafa Kerdani on drums.
If you haven’t had a listen yet, you definitely need to pull out some headphones, close your eyes, and let the mastery of HanyMust envelop you for the next five minutes. Seriously. Yalla.
WE SAID THIS: To quote HanyMust fan Nada Ayoub, “If this doesn’t turn into your morning anthem, [we] don’t know what will!”