Electricity? Who Needs It?


Where do I begin, we live in a 3rd world country (yes I know any brain dead person could tell you that) so with that comes the 3rd world perks right? Water cutting all the time, long bouts without electricity in sweltering 40 degree weather, garbage piling up along the streets, oh the list goes on!!

Today I choose to tackle one of the most irrational of these aforementioned perks; the electricity cutting on a daily basis through out Egypt. Some areas in the country have gone on with power outages over couple hours, and some even spanning a couple days. When the government has been asked why these power outages have happened the minister’s simple reply has been for us citizens to ration our consumption!

Umm excuse you Mr. Minister, i bet the electricity doesn’t cut where you live, its convenient I know, the power grid just happens to never falter in your neighborhood! 

Supposedly the peak consumption of electricity in Egypt is from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, and in order to accommodate these peaks the national control center reduces the loads at some factories, especially those who are behind on their payments, and completely cuts off the power. So it’s only logical that the citizens suffer along with those damn factories, why come on guys “ABC’s” of how to make your people hate you even more!

But wait let me get down to the nitty gritty of all this, why is our electricity actually cutting? According to Mahmoud Saad Balbaa who is the head of the National Control Center, it is because of the lack of natural gas in the country and diesel oil, along with high temperatures.

Now how come we didn’t have this problem before? Well according to some very serious rumors, our dear president Morsy is sending our precious fuel and oil to our brothers in Gaza! Because you know they are a bigger priority than his own citizens!

We Said This: We’ll leave it at that and let you make your own conclusions! 
