Egyptian Guy Shares Brilliant Way to Quit Smoking Once and for All
With nicotine pleasuring every brain cell with its highly addictive nature, smokers find it almost impossible to quit without relapsing at least once. We’ve met countless people who managed to get rid of the nasty habit. It always entails completely changing your habits.
There are hundreds of reasons why everyone should consider quitting as soon as possible. Smoking has been known for affecting every organ of the body and diminishing its overall health. From heart diseases, strokes, lung diseases to osteoporosis and cataracts, cigarettes are bad news which is exactly why so many smokers have jumped ship and opted for alternatives that are considered less dangerous, such as e-cigs which can even be equipped with flavorsome liquids like those from Gourmet E Liquid.

Facebook user, Kareem Adeeb, shared his inspirational story on quitting. For 13 years, Adeeb has been a smoker but hasn’t been successful at it until he moved to Australia. Check out how he managed to quit one of the most addictive habits ever below.
“It’s been 13 years that I’ve been smoking a pack a day. I can’t remember how many times I tried to quit but I can remember failing at every single one of them. Those who know me will know that I can’t go for five minutes without coughing my lungs out, or at least couldn’t.
Last time I coughed was five months ago.
I finally managed to quit as soon as I moved to Australia, earlier this year. I’ve been able to replace my smoking habits with a running routine. I’ve also been picking up cigarette butts from the path by Surfers Paradise beach where I go for my runs. Twenty cigarettes every day, the amount I would’ve smoked had I not quit, amounting to these 4980 filters (look at the picture above).
If you’re a smoker who has been struggling with quitting, here’s what I did this to beat this catch:
1- Give yourself a visual: By collecting and keeping these filters in my room, I gave myself a visual of all the cigarettes I would’ve smoked since I quit. It’s equally rewarding when you need positive reinforcement, and disgusting to stare at when in a moment of weakness and craving a cigarette.
2- Set a date to quit: I tried quitting cold turkey before but it didn’t work, this time it did because I decided a month in advance when exactly I’m going to quit. Decide on a date, whether it’s after a festival you’re planning to go to, the end of the summer since you like to smoke while drinking on the beach, whatever it is that you relate to, and decide that this will be your last day of smoking. As soon as I set a date, I found myself enjoying my cigarettes, and surprisingly smoking much more than usual (knowing that it’s a habit that is coming to an end), but as I drew closer to the date I set, I started hating these smokes and didn’t even finish the last one I had. Give your brain some time to cope with the decision you took, and you’ll be surprised at the shift in mindset it will go through as a coping mechanism.
If you’re not ready to quit anytime soon, at least don’t litter. Each filter can contaminate two litres of water once in contact. That’s 9960 litres in this picture, and since my stay in the land down under is soon coming to an end, TerraCycle Australia expect these very soon!”