Consumer Protection Agency Prevents Uber Egypt Campaign Mocking Mothers-in-Law
Via Cherine Rachad ElQuesny
Two weeks ago, Uber found itself recieving quite the backlash after someone posted on Facebook a photo of their latest billboard. The campaign was clearly trying to clarify how Uber can get you out of driving around family and friends, yet Egyptians did not like that Uber targeted mothers-in-laws for an advertising joke.
This Saturday, the Consumer Protection Agency (CPA) banned the campaign as it goes against our society’s customs and traditions. Head of CPA, Atef Yaacoub, further explained that the ad violated article 2 of the consumer protection law no. 67 of 2006, which states that campaigns should reserve all rights to personal dignity and respect religious values, customs and traditions.

WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss Egyptian Billboard Making Fun of Mothers-In-Law Receives Social Media Backlash.