Bigger, Funnier, Wilder: What Will Make “Wesh Fe Wesh 2” the Ultimate Sequel?
Many of us have seen it—the film that brings two feuding families together, trapping them in a single apartment for a day. It’s one where every possible problem you could imagine happening takes place within its walls, from fires to a knife fight to one of the cast members trying to jump off the roof.
That twist of comedy goodness and intense drama led to an epic film hitting the screens, Wesh Fe Wesh.
Now, there are talks of a sequel, and seeing how many sequels do not pan out to be as good as the original, we thought of coming up with ideas on what we hope to see in the second rendition of the film:
An Unexpected Start
To give viewers that shock factor from the start of the film, we are thinking of taking an unexpected route and starting off the film in a hotel. Why a hotel, you may ask?

Funnily enough, we want to see the married couple played by Amina Khalil and Mohamed Mamdouh, who got the two families stuck together in the first place, return to being a lovely couple, celebrating their wedding anniversary in the hotel.
The whole family will be there to celebrate with them.
Seeing how they all got trapped the first time, we think they should get trapped again, and this time, we want it to be more creative. We’re thinking of having two characters from the main cast trapped in different spots in the hotel.
For example, the two moms are in an elevator, the wife and husband are inside the sauna, and so on. Trust us, it will make for movie magic.

New Cast
With this kind of bubbling and intense comedic drama, the more characters included, the crazier the events. That is why we think we need more characters to join the show to get that drama flowing. Give us some ideas on who you think should join the cast.
A Dive Into More Societal Issues
As with the first film, we got to unravel critical aspects of society, whether it is the complexities of marriage or the clash of the in-laws. In the sequel, we’d love to see more of these societal themes come to light. They add a rich, meaningful layer to the film, making the story even more engaging

So, there you have it—some of our expectations for the new film. What do you think? Do you have any other ideas for the sequel?