Bella Hadid Speaks Out: “Palestine Is Not Synonymous With Terrorism” Amid Adidas Controversy
Following the Adidas campaign controversy that involved Bella Hadid, the supermodel has finally spoken out. The campaign, which was criticized for its “unintentional” link to the 1972 Munich Olympics tragedy, has caused quite a stir.

“Had I Been Made Aware, I Would Never Have Participated”
Hadid began by making it clear that she wasn’t aware of the campaign’s link to the 1972 Munich Olympics horrific tragedy, where 11 Israeli athletes were killed.
“Had I been made aware, I would never have participated,” she said.
Hadid expressed her shock and disappointment, noting, “My team should have known, Adidas should have known, and I should have done more research so that I, too, would have known, understood, and spoken up.”
The supermodel also reflected on the intentions behind the campaign, saying that “while everyone’s intentions were to make something positive and bring people together through art, the collective lack of understanding from all parties undermined the process.”

“Palestine Is Not Synonymous With Terrorism”
In her statement, Hadid made a heartfelt defense of Palestine.
“Connecting the liberation of the Palestinian people to an attack so tragic is something that hurts my heart,” she said.
“Palestine is not synonymous with terrorism, and this campaign unintentionally highlighted an event that does not represent who we are.”
The supermodel expressed pride in her Palestinian heritage, calling herself a “proud Palestinian woman.”
She also emphasized her stance against antisemitism.
“Antisemitism has no place in the liberation of the Palestinian people,” she affirmed. “I do not believe in hate in any form, including antisemitism. That will never waver, and I stand by that statement to the fullest extent.”
Hadid concluded with a message of peace, stating, “I will always stand for peace over violence, any day. Hate has no place here, and I will forever advocate for not only my people but every person worldwide.
There’s talk that Hadid might sue the brand over its lack of public accountability, but she didn’t address this in her statement. Meanwhile, Adidas has already apologized, calling the campaign an “unintentional mistake.”
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