Becoming A Game Changer In The Sports Industry: Life Sports Club Here To Create A Unified Community
In this day and age, it’s important for us to be a part of wholesome, impactful communities that bring about a positive change in the world. Unfortunately, such communities are rare to stumble upon.. Sports clubs in Egypt are one of society’s most significant pillars because their communities generate meaningful interactions that nurture both mental and physical growth while staying true to sports excellence with astounding facilities. One club, in particular, is aiming to create a destination that inspires, celebrates, and enables the community to strive for each other, in their own unique way. Yes, we are talking about the one and only Life Sports Club.
What is Life Sports Club?
Situated in the heart of New Cairo on the Mohamed Naguib Axis, two minutes from 90 street, and five minutes from the American University of Cairo. Life Sports Club (LSC) offers a convenient location for the community to come together and have an authentic experience unlike any other. The club is a partnership between Shalaby Developments (founders of Bianchi Sidi Abdelrahman) and WellSpring (leader in kids experiential learning.)
Additionally, DAR (Dar El Handasa), one of the largest businesses in the design sector, is the club’s design consultant, and they have taken great care to create the club’s facilities.
It is LSC’s ethos that sports clubs should not just be focused on providing stunning sports facilities, but should be focused on creating an environment where every member can grow. In other words, a “safe haven” for those looking to learn and connect with others who share a similar mindset. With that being said, LSC boasts 20+ sports, underground parking, a dog park, social and commercial hubs while offering top-notch faiclities to provide members with an opportunity to reach new heights in their favorite sports.
Life Way Campaign
The Life Way campaign was created as a platform to showcase the community and members of Life Sports Club. The notion that everyone is going through life their own way. They are winning at LIFE in their own special unique way. They inspire. They are champions in their lives. From the super moms and dads to the artists, inspiring leaders, and champions in their communities. And because they are members of Life Sports Club, then they are doing things THE LIFE WAY!
How is LSC showcasing this success?
To portray this sense of community and belonging LSC is incorporating docuseries of some established individuals in their respective fields to feature how they live THE LIFE WAY! For example, Ayman Baky (Founder of Baky Hospitality Ayman Baky), singer Lara Scander, Mohammed Hammady (co-founder of Ghost Ads), squash legend Ramy Ashour, Shady Shalaby (ex-pro football player), and Engineer Medhat Shalaby (Chairman of Life Sports Club) are all part of this entity. These docuseries are here to present the truth about LSC’s fascinating work that drives people into an experience where they are successful in their own way. It’s about each one’s story and how they all contribute to the bigger picture and influence the LSC community positively.

Moreover, the sense of community at LSC is extraordinary and the current members are already advocating for the club and for people who share their values and believe in the LSC’s mission to join. As the cycle continues, LSC’s members are able to come together as one community to show how successful the journey has been and to highlight all the strong bonds they have built for new members to witness.