Beat the Heat: 5 Cool Spots To Hit Up for a Refreshing Summer in the Region

Across the region, there is a sweltering heat wave, with temperatures reaching 37 degrees and as high as 44 degrees in countries like Egypt.

Many are suffering from severe heat stroke, especially during long commutes during the piercing afternoon. Knowing all this, we came up with some fun ways to beat the heat across the region.

Zap Through Cairo’s Ski Egypt

Known as Africa’s first indoor Ski resort and Snow Park, this icy haven is home to not only 7,000 tons of real snow but also temperatures below 0 degrees. That means that the inside of this snow park is nothing, unlike the sweltering heat wave outside its doors.

You can bring your family and friends and enjoy a slew of activities, whether you’re learning to ski down their 210m slope or experiencing the crazy rides in their snow park.

You can also meet the snow penguins and play with them. Ironically, you will probably get cold inside, so you can warm up with a special hot cup of coca offered at their in-house cafe.

Cool Off At Dubai’s Chillout Ice Lounge

Probably one of the coolest and chilliest spots in Dubai is the city’s very own Ice Lounge. What’s cool about this spot is that it is permanently set to minus six degrees, which means it is four degrees colder than Ski Dubai. So, what exactly is the Chillout Ice Lounge?

It is like any lounge except for one difference: Many of its seats and walls are made of ice, along with the cool ice sculptures scattered throughout the lounge. It is the ultimate break from the summer heat and will even make you feel cold and want to dine on their hot soups and sandwiches.

Beat The Heat At Doha’s Air-Conditioned Al Gharrafa Park

For the jogging enthusiasts and everyday runners, the scorching heat is becoming a major obstacle to getting to do what you love most: a good ole run. Qatar’s Doha somehow knew exactly how to create the ultimate solution: an air-conditioned park.

Via Benito

Known as Doha’s Al Gharrafa Park, it is Qatar’s first conditioned park. It boasts walking and running tracks equipped with cooling vents, so runners and joggers can use the track without having to worry about suffering from a major heat stroke.

Slide Your Way Through Jordan’s Saraya Aqaba Waterpark

Nothing can help cool you off more than taking a nice dip in the pool. To up the experience even more, you should hit up a waterpark. In Jordan, Saraya Aqaba has a massive water park known as Saraya Aqaba. With more than 25 slides, you’ll cool off but also get that much-needed adrenaline rush.

Beyond the slides, the water park itself is unique as it is considered one of the most picturesque water parks with a stunning view of the surrounding mountain range. The icing on the cake is also Jordan’s very own first underwater virtual reality experience.

Swim In Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea

Sometimes we have to take it back to the basics. The Kingdom is known to be home to one of the most beautiful waters in the world, known as the Red Sea. While diving and snorkeling in these waters, you’ll not only cool off but come face to face with one of the biggest coral reefs in the whole world.

You’ll swim with over 1,000 species of fish, including sharks and turtles, and admire the gorgeous coral reefs lining the bottom of the endless Red Sea.

With all these new ways to beat the heat this summer, you can have fun while avoiding the much-dreaded heatstroke.

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