6 Things That Must Happen When You’re an Egyptian Aunt That Babysits
Being an aunt when you still can’t make up your mind on which outfit you want to wear for the day can be the most stressful experience you have to endure in this stage of your life. You get to see how being responsible for another human being, aka a child can be exhausting. As soon as those little devils are born, you begin to understand how and why your parents worried so much about you. Those beautiful little things manage to stir up so much feelings inside you that you never knew you had. But believe me, being an aunt is not a piece of cake, you won’t be spared of the responsibility and all the suffering hatshofo kteer wallahi, msh msada2eeny? After reading this list, you’ll not only get to know about motherhood, but you’ll also master it.
1) Changing diapers when you’re on baby-sitting duty

Ewwww sah? you’ll do it not because you want to, but you just have to. You’re the babysitter when the parents are out shopping, having a romantic dinner or they’ve just decided they don’t want this baby anymore.
2) Lama beysawato! YALAHWI!

Fag2a keda men gher moqademat, they’ll switch the mode from an adorable giggling and smiling one to this very loud series of cries and screams that you’ll start wondering whether your ears will be able to function anymore or not.
3) Hair pulling and neck scratches, kefaya!

It’s going to hurt like hell, but you’ll get over the pain once you lay your eyes on those beautiful tiny little hands.
4) Baby feeding will soon be your expertise!

You know how to cook grinded meals that just look and taste gross and they just seem to love it 3ashan aslan what do they know about food? And soon baby vomit will no longer be an issue to you, you’re used to it khalas.
5) “Twinkle Twinkle” and other baby songs will soon be your most played songs
6) Your Snapchat will all be about this wicked little angel with an everyday update of them eating, laughing, crawling and doing tons of other things that only you find amusing
WE SAID THIS: Aunts are superheroes walahy ya gama3a!