Arab Girls Rejoice, Laila Atwa’s Latest Vlog Will Definitely be Your Make-Up Guide


Middle Eastern young ladies always have questions when it comes to make-up, fashion, and beauty, but this vlog, by Laila Atwa, will sure be serving as a platform to answer all of their questions and provide them with beauty and make-up tips.

Laila Atwa is a Cairo-based strong newcomer to the Make-up scene, and she’s already certified from Bassam Ashoub Academy. Although Atwa’s videos are very simple, they are really comprehensive and in-depth. The vlog’s name is ‘Beauty Studio‘ and you can watch it on ALTV.

As you can see, the content and the quality of the video qualifies it to be your go-to hub for beauty tips and tricks. Girls who follow the vlog can ask whatever they want to know, and our new favorite makeup mentor will give them guidance.

WE SAID THIS: Check out the rest of her videos and let us know what you think. 
