Angelina Jolie and her Children are In Jordan and Here’s Why!
The world’s famous family met with Syrians who have fled war in their home country. Angelina Jolie has long been known as a committed activist and a dedicated charity campaigner and now Angelina Jolie is passing on her humanitarian values to her children and teaching them all what she has learned in the years. The American actress brought two of her six children to Jordan this week, to join her as she met with Syrian refugees arriving at the borders of Jordan.

The UNHCR Special Envoy spent time greeting families and listening to their stories of escape, with 11-year-old Shiloh and 13-year-old Zahara next to her. Jolie also addressed a press gathering at the Za’atari refugee camp, telling the crowd that “the worst humanitarian crisis of the 21st century is unfolding in the Middle East today”.
“It cannot be built on impunity for the targeting of civilians by all sides of the conflict, the bombing of schools and hospitals, barrel bombs, torture, chemical weapons and rape used as a weapon of war.” Jolie said in a UNHCR press conference in Jordan.
At the camp, Jolie and her daughters met with young girls taking part in the TIGER (These Inspiring Girls Enjoy Reading) project, which helps educate school children displaced by war. The actress also revealed her daughters had asked to accompany her on the trip to Jordan, and had spent time “speaking and playing with children their own age who have been forced from their homes”.
“Here, it means families going without sufficient food; children unable to get medical treatment; young girls vulnerable to early marriage; and many Syrians facing their seventh winter without proper shelter.” Jolie added