Finale Tea Dance!
So the general talk in Egypt since the revolution has revolved around 3 things, politics how the dollar is screwing us and partying. One of the main events that has definitely taken our minds off of all the chaos has been Tea Dance byGanz and Dara’s latest addition to a stream of successful events.
Yet like all good things this too shall come to an end leaving room for the whirlwind of ‘Spring/Summer’ events that will be bracing us throughout Sham El Naseem and well till the weather lets us.
Tomorrow will be the end to this season of Tea Dance where the 12th edition, will have Sharam Jey on the decks accompanied by the fabulous Toyboys. Held at Uptown Cairo’s clubhouse this is probably booked solid already, for those of you who didn’t catch this season then there is always the next one. These guys did a great job with this concept, we hope to see alot more events along the same lines with the great weather.
WE SAID THIS: There Will Be No Tea Served At This Event.