The Workshopers Have You Dancing
We hear about different workshops all the time. There is a workshop for this and that but how often are you actually interested to go further then just clicking the facebook event and thinking to yourself “Hey, we should do this” tagging your bestie and ending it at that. I wont preach as to be honest I am just as guilty of the crime but it was this workshop in particular that really intrigued me. Being someone that loves to dance I love the innovation and fun that comes with the latest edition from the ladies behind Workshopers.
So yes you guessed it they will hosting a HipHop Workshop! EXCITING!!!! The ladies will be bringing renowned international choreographers Bea Villabol and Bru Vidal from Spain.
Here is a quick video to give you a taste of what to expect.
WE SAID IT: Just Listening To Missy Has Us Dancing Already