9 Things Egyptians Must Stop Doing at a 3aza

Because Egyptians love to break the rules and stand out, they have even turned a 3aza into an opportunity to stand out. Here are 9 things that Egyptians need to stop doing at a 3aza ASAP:



1. Wearing 1 KG of perfume before you go in! *can’t breathe*





2. Just because it’s winter and you own a “fur” coat it does not mean you HAVE to wear it


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3. Treating it like it’s a fashion show


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4. Treating it like it’s a café because we might as well serve you shisha


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5. Getting a makeup artist to do your makeup before you go. Seriously, it’s not a wedding #mua


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6. You don’t have to wear ALL the diamonds you own





7. GOSSIP while Quran is being recited because we’re hypocrites





8. Older women staring and judging you


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9. “Da etkhataf”





WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss 6 Types of Girls You See at Egyptian Weddings.
