9 Things to Do During Egypt’s Nighttime Power Outages
With the summer heat rolling in and air conditioners cranked up all over the country, Egypt’s energy crisis is only steepening. Power outages are now occurring in Cairo on a regular basis throughout the day and more annoyingly, the night.
There’s a running joke that next year Egypt will experience an increase in the number of springtime babies due to the the inevitable nighttime power outage sex.
Here’s a list of other fun things you can do to keep entertained:
1. Take a nap
Power outage naps are the BEST. And worst because it’s forced on you so it feels like kindergarten all over again when all you wanted to do was play, but no, you can’t.
2. Practice your poker face
Break out the cards and play a game. Poker or turneib, anyone?
3. Drink wine by candlelight
Light up a candle, set the mood and get tipsy! Take yourself on a date with a fabulous glass of Omar Khayyam or set up a romantic scene for your loved one.
4. Hold a seance or break out the ouija board
If you’re feeling brave, take advantage of an hour of darkness and communicate with whatever spiritual beings might be lurking in your flat. Be warned though – if some scary shit happens, you won’t be able to run to flip on the lights.
5. Get comfortable with your body aka get nekkid

Take it all off and strut your stuff around the apartment. Make yourself a sandwich in your birthday suit. This is the true meaning of horeyya.
Just make sure you’re alone when the light comes back on.
6. Put on scary music and play hide and seek
Blend into the darkness, put on some scary tunes and count to ten… 😉
7. Practice your #PowerOutageSelfie face
Embrace this opportunity to have a photo shoot in the dark. Flip on your iPhone’s flash, make a funny face and Instagram it.
8. Learn how to do yoga
You don’t have to worry about your downward dog position looking like a stink bug if it’s dark. Practice, practice, practice… And with the heat (and lack of AC thanks to the power cut), you’ll practically be doing hot power yoga.
9. Keep a power outage journal
Nothing sets the mood for writing better than candlelight. Now that you’re separated from the electronic world, you have a few moments to reflect on your true emotions, goals and vision for your life. Word vomit it all over your customized power outage notebook.
And with the nightly power outages, you know it’ll be updated regularly.
WE SAID THIS: Survive the heat this summer with these tips for how to stay hydrated.