8 Annoying Things Best Friends Do that Drive Us Insane

Being someone’s best friend means you have each other’s back, there’s nothing on this planet you wouldn’t do for one another and they’re always there to make you laugh. But just because they fill our lives with sunshine, it doesn’t mean that they don’t do things that drive us insane!


And though we’ll probably put up with them anyway, here are 8 things they do that make us literally go ballistic:



Steal your spotlight



You know when you’re confiding in your best friend and just unloading the weight of the baggage that’s been on your shoulder for eternity? It’s a lovely feeling, isn’t it? But how does it feel when they start relating and start complaining about their lives before they’ve even had a change to make you feel better! Excuse me, but this was my problem! I called shotgun! Focus on me!



Turn the tables around



Some friends know you so well, they can use pretty much everything against you! If you’re blaming them for something, they’ll find a way to make you come out as the bad person. Just admit you were wrong and let’s move on, already!



Leave you waiting for hours



What is it with friends and the lack of punctuality? Why is it that the strength in friendship is equivalent to the amount of time you can leave that friend waiting without having to worry? Yes, we’re best friends and yes, I know you have time management issues, but just because you know I love you and won’t judge you for being a terribly tardy person, it doesn’t mean you start getting dressed when I’ve reached the Goddamn place. I will get mad. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.



Disappear when they’re in a relationship



I understand the thrill and excitement of being in a new relationship and wanting to spend every waking second of every freaking day with that person. But, when you’re on the other side you’ll realize how annoying it is. Not just because someone happened to waltz in out of nowhere (not jealous) and takes up all your time, but also because we care and don’t want your entire life to revolve around someone who we don’t even know will last that long!



Take you for granted



As we grow older, we tend to drift apart or get so engrossed in our lives that we forget to be there for each other. But there was a reason we’re best friends and it isn’t just because we used to be. I

t was because we used to always support one another and look out for each other. It was because no one could make you laugh when you’re upset except them. It was because they knew you inside out and everything that was going on in your life that you didn’t even need to complain. It was because your best friend’s happiness meant more to you than your own.

So, even if we do tend to drift apart, it is not okay to expect the person to understand when you’re not there to share the happy times or the sad ones. It is not okay to keep them in the background and expect them to know what you mean to them. It is not okay to not put the slightest bit of effort and still expect them to be your best friend when you need them. The friends who have lasted so long have been through thick and thin with you, don’t be an idiot and let it go because at some point they will get tired and give up on you.



Call someone else their best friend



Excuse me, but who had to put up with food stuck in your braces and still thought you were pretty? And who covered for you and mastered acting just to cover up your stories and who knows all your shit and still sees the best in you? You can have as many best friends as you like, but that word is not to be used in front of me!



Have a certain image of you that doesn’t change



Just because I was ridiculously stubborn and needed my mouth to be taped to avoid the shitty comments that came out of it when were 12, it doesn’t mean I’ll be that person forever. People grow up and things change them. It’s so annoying when we have to pay the price of something we used to do a zillion years ago just because you have that image stuck in your head.



Use your history against you



It’s not fair that you’ve been through it all and you can tell me how many times I’ve said exactly the same thing and didn’t stick to my word. Or how many times I’ve forgiven an idiot when I shouldn’t have. Or how many times I started something and never finished. You don’t have to lecture me every single time…


Even though they drive us out of our sanity – if we have any of that left in the first place- and most of the time we want to punch them in the face, there’s no way we can even imagine our lives without them.


WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss 10 Signs Your Best Friend IS Your Partner In Crime
