Six Interview Questions To Keep In Mind When Interviewing For Executive-Level Positions
Application for an executive position is fierce competition. A candidate must show excellence in many areas, have a wide range of skills, and be respected. Application for such a position consists of several steps: learning about the company, creating a resume, and interviewing.
A candidate may learn about the company and the position independently. For example, professional executive resume writing services will polish a resume or LinkedIn profile. But what to do with a resume?
Being honest is the key to nailing a resume for any position, including an executive one. If you answer honestly, an application will succeed. However, a candidate may prepare a resume to some degree.
It is hard to tell what questions will be in the interview. This article will explore these questions for an executive-level job position. A job seeker must not memorize the exact answers but learn what to expect.
Tell a bit about yourself
It is one of the most popular interview questions that hiring managers ask. A candidate provides detailed information about their achievements and experience in a resume and a cover letter. Therefore, they may summarize this experience and add a personal touch during an interview.
This question aims to learn what kind of person a candidate is and what values they hold.
An example answer: I’m a CIO with more than seven years of experience, and technologies can bring many more advantages than people currently utilize. Therefore, I want to contribute to the companies where I can work and elevate their performance to a new level.

Why do you want to work for our company?
This question expands on the previous one. Usually, a hiring manager may ask this question to check the candidate’s and company’s values. Before an interview, it is important to learn as much as possible about the corporate’s values and culture.
Corporate values may align differently with the ones of the candidate, but they should cross at least at some points. A candidate should demonstrate this intersection during an interview.
An example answer: Your company shows true innovation in the market. While most enterprises choose proven strategies and try to expand their client base, you move forward and develop new solutions. I want to be a part of the progress and work with a like-minded team.
What is your leadership style?
It is an important question, and a candidate should bear it in mind. However, many leadership classifications need to be revised. They are tools for classification; therefore, a candidate should pick the type that fits the most and describes their style.
The idea is to show competence behind a candidate’s leadership abilities and work as a head of a team. For this example, we will use the following criteria:
Performing leader
Entrepreneur leader
Administrative leader
Integrating leader
An example answer: I characterize myself as an integration leader, and I prefer to find a personal approach to each team member and use their full potential in the teamwork. I know how to administrate the job and execute the necessary operations, but my primary focus is contributing to the team’s efficiency.

Describe how you managed the biggest crisis in your previous position
Crisis management is essential for any executive. However, there will be challenges and crises in the new position as well. Therefore, the company wants to know how the candidate can handle a difficult situation.
There is nothing specific about this question. However, a candidate should be honest and straightforward. Exaggerating the scale of the problem or diminishing one’s achievements are not good tactics.
An example answer: The best way to manage a crisis is to prepare for it. I developed and provided protocols for communication loss or unforeseen circumstances. Our firm lost connection with the remote workers for approximately six hours, so I rearranged the tasks and secured a stable workflow. When we re-established the connection, a significant part of the job was already done, and we delivered the product.
What is your weakness?
It is a provocative question, but hiring managers may still ask for it to see a reaction and a constructive answer. This question aims to show that a candidate can evaluate one’s strong and weak sides and assess their capabilities.
The answer should show some weak sides but not those related to leadership.
An example answer: I consider my perfectionism a weak side. I build my work schedule around the idea that everything should be done impeccably. Therefore, I need extra time to check and double-check everything. Sometimes it creates difficult situations, but my team and I usually find a common language on how to solve them.

How do you maintain your professional development?
It is another rare, tricky question that hiring managers may ask. Yet, when they reach CEO positions and gain experience, many job seekers believe they’ve achieved everything in the professional field.
When a hiring manager asks a candidate this question, they want to know if the person has an active, lively mind, and is willing to learn something new, sometimes from the subordinates.
An example answer: I try to follow all the major news in the industry and the related fields. I attended a specialized convention last year. I hope to present my materials at the next one.
An interview for an executive position may be challenging and intimidating, and some preparation may help candidates to stand out and land the desired position. The vital steps in preparation are research for the company and preparing the answers to the questions.
A candidate must memorize only some of the questions or prepare all possible variants. The idea is to express confidence and demonstrate that a job applicant can be a fitting leader for the given position.
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