21st Century Colonialism? Israel Right-Wingers Want To Resettle In Gaza

Yesterday, January 28, hundreds of Israeli right-wingers flooded a conference room in Jerusalem to discuss the resettlement of Israel in Gaza.

They were seen singing and dancing in the conference room to the idea of migrating people from Gaza and resettling there. On a large map, the locations of planned settlements were displayed.

The conference is stirring controversy, even among Israelis themselves, and what seems to be the dream of some Israelis is possibly other people’s nightmare.

This was organized by a right-wing movement named ‘Nahala,’ which supports Israeli settlement in Gaza, as well as rebuilding settlements in the North of the West Bank.

Additionally, the non-governmental conference was attended by 12 Israeli ministers who belong to Netanyahu’s post-Nakba political party “Likud”; figures like Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir attended.

The Times of Israel has reported divisions over the conference. The former IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot and the Education Minister Yoav Kisch have criticized the conference.

“While troops are fighting shoulder to shoulder in a war with unparalleled justification…others are finding time for an event that sunders Israeli society,” said Eisenkot.

“It’s not right to get into this conversation now. This isn’t the time. We need to focus the discourse on unity for our troops,” said the Education Minister.

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