McDonald’s Celebrates 50 Years of Big Mac and We’re Lovin’ It
To celebrate their 50th anniversary of the Big Mac, McDonald’s has just unveiled their very own currency: the MacCoin. What’s that, you ask? Well, they are limited edition global currency backed by the internationally iconic Big Mac that fans across the world can get their hands on starting this week – August 2, to be specific. Big Mac fans from in more than 50 countries around the world will be able to receive MacCoins through a variety of exciting activations with each participating country celebrating the arrival of the MacCoin in its own unique way.

You might be wondering what these coins; well, each coin is equivalent to one Big Mac in more than 50 countries. MacCoin is a food-backed currency.
احتفالا بـ50 سنة بيج ماك.. بنقدملكم الماك كوين! ?عملة عالمية جديدة بتساوي ساندوتش عالمي في أكتر من 50 بلد حول العالم.. ?جمع الـ5 أشكال وشارك وبدل، واحتفل معانا..تابعونا عشان تعرفوا أكتر.#BigMac50#بيج_ماك_50
Posted by McDonald's on Tuesday, July 31, 2018
These MacCoins will also come in five different editions to celebrate the past five tasty decades. Each coin design pulls in elements from that time in history, nodding to art, music and pop culture, while the front-side of the MacCoin celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Big Mac. The MacCoin highlighting the ‘70s will showcase the decade’s flower power, and the ‘80s will allude to pop art. Bold, abstract shapes defined the ‘90s, which is why they’re translated on the MacCoin design, and the early ‘00s specifically focuses on the technology that was at the vanguard of everything. The ‘10s MacCoin, last but not least, celebrates the past 10 years and calls attention to the evolution of communication. So, next time you get a Big Mac, rest assured that you’ll be in for a new wild ride!
*Disclaimer: *MacCoin has no cash value and is only redeemable for one free Big Mac at participating McDonald’s restaurants through 2018.