In An Attempt To Reduce Costs, Egypt’s Public Sector Plans To Shift Into A Four-day Workweek!
By Nada Hamouda
Egypt’s government is reportedly planning to study the possibilities of shortening the standard workweek for state bureaucrats to four days, according to El Watan media organization. The move aims to cut cost and reduce congestion and traffic for more than five million employees in the public sector that includes 816 government departments.
The document stated that the Prime Minister, Mostafa Madbouly, has instructed the Central Authority for Organization and Administration (CAOA) to establish a committee to start studying the proposal. Moreover, the committee will include representatives of the Planning Ministry, the Administrative Control authority, academics, and researchers.

However, reports indicate that the proposal would focus on saving costs allocated to the operation itself without including any wage cuts. In addition, there are some ideas around focusing more on improving the working shifts patterns in a way that the workday would actually last for 24\7 during the four working days.