This Muslim Girl Rips Apart the Music Industry in this Must-See Video Against Misogyny

We’ve got mad respect for Madiha Bhatti, a student and spoken word poet who spits the truth about the music industry’s blatant misogyny in her video “Mu(sick)”.

Bhatti links dehumanizing lyrics with bullying, domestic abuse and rape and calls out out everyone from Shakespeare to Jay-Z and Queen Bey herself for perpetuating the objectification of women.

Here are some powerful excerpts from the must-see clip here:

You may think they’re just words
That doesn’t give them immunity
Words start wars and break spirits
They’re still used with impunity


But it seems like I’m the only one appalled
That music can make me feel so small


He’s got lyrics and blood pounding in his ears
And a helpless woman faces her worst fears


Can we turn up the volume but turn down the noise?
Stop polluting the minds of our men and our boys?


WE SAID THIS: Don’t miss New Snoop Dogg/Tamer Hosny Collaboration Is a Shame.
