Cairokee and Marwan Pablo Set to Rock AUC Campus with ‘El Mahatta’ Concert In Cairo

On May 17, the American University in Cairo (AUC) will come alive with exciting music from two famous Egyptian artists, Cairokee and Marwan Pablo. Their concert, “El Mahatta,” blends different music styles and guarantees a memorable time for both fans and newcomers.

Cairokee is well-known for their heartfelt songs and lively performances, making them one of Egypt’s top rock bands. They sing about important issues and connect with people of all ages.

Marwan Pablo is also famous in Egypt’s rap scene, known for his unique mix of beats and thoughtful lyrics. He’s quickly gaining fans and praise.

Grab Your Tickets Now!

Tickets for “El Mahatta” are quickly being snapped up by eager fans who can’t wait to catch both artists in action. Make sure to grab your tickets on the Tazkarti website for a fantastic evening of music and community spirit in Cairo.

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