Winter Is Hands Down the Best Season in Egypt, Here’s Why!
The weather is just starting to get chilly and we cannot contain our excitement. Around that time every year, a wave of anticipation fills the air that another winter is just around the corner. It mystifies some people why winter is so loved in Egypt, but we think it’s down to these reasons:
The Weather

Since it is 35 degrees pretty much most year round, we get super excited for a change in weather during the winter months. It’s the only time of the year when we can go around doing whatever we want without sweating like a pig. It also generally puts us in a better mood to not have a scorching sun directed at us for 12 hours every day.
The Rain

Even though we don’t have the drainage system to support it, dear God help us if it rains! Everyone starts posting on Facebook and Twitter “Rain <3” and Instagram gets flooded with rain pictures. Really, if the sky so much as just hails, we go crazy and our weather makes international headlines.
We love that the cold weather brings hearty food cravings with it. Besides Ramadan, winter is the only time of the year when we contemplate the idea of having soup. Not to mention the amount of desserts; especially the chocolatey ones, only a winter sweet tooth requires.
It’s totally fine to gain weight
With all the food cravings that winter induces, we all start putting on a couple of kilos. However, we still love winter anyway because it’s almost the only time of the year when it’s actually socially acceptable to put on weight without everybody pointing it out.
Boots, coats, layering, aaah, the layering! We love winter clothes so much that sweaters, cozy cardigans, and half boots start coming out even if it’s still 27 degrees outside. Not to mention that winter clothes are ideal for hiding all the weight you gained during the merry season.
Holiday Spirit

Even though we don’t really have Western Christmas, everyone here loves the famous holiday nonetheless! We get all excited with reindeer ears, candy canes, and gingersnap cookies. Some schools even have one of their teachers dressing as Santa and distributing present! Maybe we love it so much because it directly leads to New Year’s Eve. Don’t even get us started on Egyptians’ excitement about that!
Everything looks prettier

People look all chic in their winter clothes, streets somehow look cleaner; we don’t know if it’s the drizzle of rain we get every winter that makes everything look cleaner or if the cloudy weather gives us a romantic European feel. Either way, Egypt looks at its best in winter.
Staying in
As the days get shorter, the nights get longer, and the weather gets colder, people resort to staying in more. Cozying up with a cup of hot chocolate and a good book or movie, or going to the homes of your friends and family are both staple winter pastimes.

For most of us, winter reminds us of our young days at school and the excitement that used to fill us when we change the summer uniforms for the winter. It also brings back memories of all the above things we love!