Things Every Egyptian Living Abroad Will Miss About Ramadan in Egypt

It’s hard to explain to someone who has never left Egypt how hard it is to leave the country and not spend holidays with friends and family; it is devastating especially in major holy days such as Ramadan. It only takes one Ramadan to spend in a country other than Egypt to feel the difference.

We, Egyptians, have created a unique atmosphere in our country for the holy month that you most certainly won’t find anywhere else. After a survey, with even different nationalities about Ramadan in their countries, they all agreed that Egypt wins. Although I live in an Arab country, I personally still miss certain things about Egypt, especially in Ramadan.

1. The Dining Table


The humongous dining table jammed with different delicious mouth-watering dishes of ma7ashy, rokak, molokheya, fried chicken, mossakka’a and more, made with love is something to die for.

2. Lammet El 3eela

As much as you dread the visits and the silly questions from your I-know-I-am-a-hoot Uncle, “Sayma/Sayem wala zy kol sana?” and your nosy Aunty “7anefra7 beek(y) emta?” Believe me, you will appreciate those times and wish you relive them again.

3. The Outings


Egyptians are masters when it comes to creating new outing places for the holy month and the variety of invitations I get are uncountable. Egyptians are creative in coming up with ideas for the place, whether it’s in a felucca on the Nile or on an open-roof or a tent, with a Lebanese taste or Nubian decorations, international menu or simple fool and ta3meyya dishes.

4. Besties

Nothing beats an outing with your buddies. Having Iftar or Sohour whether in a classy place or mante2a sha3beyya, it’s always the best and will become memories you will cherish your whole life.

5. The Warmth

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Besides the weather, the emotions of people around is indescribable. Egyptians who live in Egypt are warm, sociable, hospital and very friendly. Something that is hardly and rarely found abroad. And the spirit of the holy month surrounding the streets and people is just priceless.

6. Konafa and Katayef

The tons of different konafa and katayef recipes are just crazy. Konafa bel manga, konafa bel Nutella, konafa bel eshta, konafa bel mekasarat, konafa bel gebna, konafa bel custard, konafa with red velvet, etc.. where else you will find all these konafas? and that’s just the konafa, don’t get me started with the katayef.

7. Events


You just can’t get enough of the events where people celebrate Ramadan. From the tanoura guy showing off his skills spinning around with his colorful skirt on the melodies of a folkloric live Oud playing; filling us with the classic nostalgic songs that we all grew up listening to and each tells a story from our childhood.

8. Street Decorations

The fawanees, colorful lanterns, lights and decorations filling the allies and streets everywhere.

9. Prayers 


Taraweeh prayers and the Egyptian Imams are something we’re known for. We block main streets because of the amount of people praying. Faith is everywhere in the country and I feel blessed when I have that good vibe from people encouraging you to do the right thing.

WE SAID THIS: As an Alexandrian, I would recommend you try certain places in Alexandria for Sohour such as Alban Swissra and Mohamed Ahmed for Fool and Falafel (aka Ta3meyya). These places are classics.
