Wired In: Google’s 14th/Myspace Comeback/Twitter Header/Facebook Dropbox


So it’s Google’s 14th Birthday! Wow, I remember the good old days when it was just Lycos, Alta Vista, Ask Jeeves and then came Yahoo. Man, these were the times. But come to look at it, in such a short period of time Google has managed to take search engines to a whole new level, and get into so many other fields that it started doing cars! So Bravo and Happy Birthday!

MySpace (yeah, remember that social network) is coming back in the game, stronger than ever with a new face lift and new options etc, check the video here of what happened to it. Maybe we should all get back on MySpace!

Twitter I guess got jealous of the screen real estate that Facebook has been playing with lately with all they cover photos and all and dicided we are going to give Twitter users a cover photo too, why not. But they call it “Header Image” to be precise. I guess theyre cool and give you a true feeling of playing around with them if that;s you’re thing. Check out mine here below, its fun I guess(but I made it more fun).

If any of you use Dropbox and Facebook groups, you’ll love this! Now you can share stuff from Dropbox right inside Facebook Groups and if you change anything in the files, it’ll be synced automatically with the group without having to re-post anything !

WE SAID THIS: That’s all from Wired In this week! Stay tuned for more news about the online social world soon!
