Ways to Get Your Home Ready for Ramadan

The glorious month of Ramadan is almost here, and I can’t be more excited! To welcome Ramadan in the most suitable way possible, there are a few things you can start doing to prepare your household for the holy month. You can begin by tidying and clearing up the house; after all, this is the most sacred month of the year, your house has to be warm, clean, and inviting.

So, without further ado, here are a few tips to help you prepare your home for the anticipated holy month.

Clean and organize the entire house

Via: Indian Express

Because the month of Ramadan is a time for reflection, a clean environment will help you focus more on your worship with increased clarity! I advise you to check out our article on living a minimalist life here.

Put decorations on

Via: Al-Arabya

Planning in advance on how you want your house to be decorated during Ramadan and Eid will help you save a lot of time. And as lanterns are a traditional way to welcome Ramadan, using your own lanterns and candles is always a good start! Some people go a step further and put up signs and banners too.

Stack healthy Iftar food

Via: Food and Wine

Stack your refrigerator with all the healthy items you think you’ll need when preparing Suhur and Iftar during the holy month. By preparing in advance, you will be able to enjoy the month with zero stress.

Prepare your Iftar and Suhur menu

Via: Four Seasons

This year, try to keep your family healthy by preparing a healthier Iftar and Suhur menu with less fried foods and more fresh options. It’ll definitely give everyone the energy needed to keep them going till Eid celebrations.

Dedicate a place for worship

Via: Byut

In order for you to be totally present in the time of worship, it’s better to prepare a place dedicated just for it.

Create a countdown box

Via: Byut

I think this one is a great family activity! Create a countdown box, just like a calendar, that displays what day of Ramadan you’re currently on, and what time is today’s Iftar for example. It should also be decorated with Ramadan-related themes.

Schedule family/friends gatherings for Iftar

Via: Identity Magazine

It’s always a warming idea to have your family and friends over, especially during Ramadan. But remember, Iftar is not a food festival, so cook a reasonable amount of food to avoid throwing the rest away. If you end up with extra food, please donate it to those in need.

WE SAID THIS: Have a happy and healthy Ramadan! 
