US-based Artist Captures Powerful Portraits Of Refugee Children

United States President Donald Trump, 24: Legacy, Islamophobics and others have painted refugees as the bad guys. In reality, they’re people, just like every single one of us, fleeing desperate situations in their home countries.
A new exhibit, titled “Refuge,” brings this juxtaposition to light by showcasing the refugee children who stand to lose the most from Trump’s policies. US-based visual artist Claire Salvo seeks to “de-politicize the conversation around refugee resettlement. In particular, she wanted to highlight the fact that more than half of the world’s refugees are children, and many of them have only known life inside a refugee camp.”
“I wanted to remove the political aspect and just make it human,” Salvo explains. “There’s something about kids everyone can relate to. Everyone can agree it’s not a child’s choice ― it’s no one’s choice ― to be a refugee. They have no say in the matter.”
Check out more of the absolutely breathtaking shoot below:
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