These Futuristic Contact Lenses Have Just Seen The Light And We’re Wondering When Will They Reach The Middle East!
By Nivert Walid
Do you know that in the near future we may all wear smart contact lenses similar to those worn by secret customers in movies? South Korea granted Samsung a patent on contact lenses that can display the image directly to the user’s eye.

These lenses also contain a built-in camera with sensors that enable you to capture still photos as well as videos. You’ll be able to control this camera through the movement of your eyelashes. Isn’t this weird? If you felt uncomfortable with this, you can use your smart phone to control the camera.
Also Samsung will provide these contact lenses with antennas that allow the transmission of images and videos to smart devices such as your phone. Samsung is seeking to make these smart contact lenses show instructions for navigation on the eye directly, as well as the possibility of searching the Internet for more information about what the user sees in the real world.

The development of these smart contact lenses comes within the company’s Augmented Reality line of products which allows digital information to be displayed directly on real images before the eyes of the beholder.
It’s worth mentioning that Google has already preceded Samsung, by revealed earlier its ambition to develop smart contact lenses equipped with a micro-wireless chip, and a sensor capable of measuring glucose levels in diabetics.